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A pastry of delicious hazelnut cream enclosed in a casket of crumbly short crust pastry. Tasty ingre..
A pastry of delicious lemon cream enclosed in a box of crumbly shortcrust pastry. Tasty ingredients ..
Egg Lasagna are one of the most classic dishes of the Italian gastronomic tradition. Rectangles of r..
From a sheet of pasta prepared with only fresh eggs, comes the Barilla Emiliane Egg pasta. Small rou..
Sorprese Pasta are a shape of dried egg pasta for soups or broth. Sorprese are real small egg specia..
Our egg Lasagna is a typical dish of the Italian culinary tradition and its versatility allows you t..
Garganelli egg pasta has a striped sheet wrapped around itself, ideal for trapping flavors and makin..
Camerino egg Grattini are a type of small-sized pasta with an intense flavor and a very ancient trad..
Spicing up your soup is easy with our egg pasta farfalline. Their curved shape, small, serrated edge..
Small but tasty, Ditalini are the result of the processing of simple ingredients to create a good, h..
Quadrucci are simply tasty and contain in their dough a skillful art handed down from generations. T..
Fonzies are a crispy chip snack made with corn and cheese, baked and not fried. This multi-pack in..
Around Bistefani's iconic cookie, a richer taste experience is crafted through a blend of textures a..
A premium pistachio cream from Bronte, Sicily now available not only at Christmas but all year round..
Shortcake biscuits with cocoa and chocolate drops and high oleic sunflower oil. Specifically formula..