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Large pasta strips with wavy borders, delicious for making lasagna with many layers using any sauce ..
Prepare a filling of your choice to accompany the strips of our tasty egg Lasagna for a traditional ..
A classic Italian dish that is easy to make. Fill with any ingredients you like and then bake to obt..
Loacker exclusively uses Italian hazelnuts which are freshly roasted on-site. It is this gentle Loac..
Discover dark chocolate with sublime perfection! A layer of smooth dark chocolate cream is held toge..
The intense cocoa taste of three light, crispy wafers forms a union with the tender flavour of two l..
San Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water wholeheartedly embraces the Italian way of life. Natu..
Spaghettini are a long and thinner version of spaghetti, very quick to prepare, and perfect for crea..
Capellini are a thin and delicate type of long pasta that work well with any sauce...
Fettuccine is a thick, long pasta that is delicious with any sauce, whose flavor it enriches thanks ..
Our Linguine are perfect for bringing out the flavor of any sauce with their thin yet flat surface, ..
This pasta shape is made with grooves on the surface that make it ideal for any type of recipe rich ..
This thinner version of Penne compliment every sauce to make an exceptional and traditional dish...
To make your pasta dish the star of your meal, there is nothing better than this form of pasta...