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Delicious and crunchy shortbread with a hint of lemon, without added milk...
Simple and delicious shortbread, prepared with selected ingredients in the form of fresh farm eggs.&..
A traditional recipe with a simple and refined taste, with fresh Italian milk and rice flour...
Traditional shortbread, as good as homemade, prepared only with fresh Italian cream...
The best biscuit for dipping, your original and delicious solution for a hearty hearty breakfast...
A perfect mix of chocolate, hazelnut and fun, the ideal shortbread to start your day with a smile...
Most famous in Italy. With over 100 years of experience Stappi has made a bitter with natural minera..
Crodino in Italy is the non-alcoholic aperitif by definition, the most consumed and the most famous..
Product from Verona, made from apricot nectar to create a concentrated juice...
This popular pear nectar is made from a concentrated juice and to create a smooth, velvety beverage ..
Tre Marie``s classic and renowned loved pandoro, is made from only the highest quality ingredients. ..
A crumbly nougat with almonds, great for dessert. Oliviero uses only the best ingredients to craft t..
Nougat with sponge cake ideal for dessert. Oliviero uses only the best ingredients to make its tradi..
Hard nougat with hazelnuts, ideal for dessert. Oliviero uses only the best ingredients to make its t..
A gianduia nougat with hazelnuts; Oliviero uses only the best ingredients to craft their traditional..