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A traditional and delicious Italian recipe, designed to help you create many home-made desserts. Dis..
With 6% fibre, to stay healthy while you enjoy your food. ..
Delicious and crunchy shortbread with a hint of lemon, without added milk...
Simple and delicious shortbread, prepared with selected ingredients in the form of fresh farm eggs.&..
A traditional recipe with a simple and refined taste, with fresh Italian milk and rice flour...
Traditional shortbread, as good as homemade, prepared only with fresh Italian cream...
The best biscuit for dipping, your original and delicious solution for a hearty hearty breakfast...
A perfect mix of chocolate, hazelnut and fun, the ideal shortbread to start your day with a smile...
Traditional and aromatic shortbread with many chocolate chips, a happy way to start your day...
Delicious irresistible shortbread with cream and chocolate for an energizing breakfast. ..
Soft Pandoro filled with chocolate cream and double coating with dark chocolate and crunchy milk cho..
Novellini are classic shortbread biscuits, with a delicate cream and honey taste prepared with all t..
These light and delicious shortbread cookies are made from malted barley and have no added sugar. En..
Rusticotte biscuits are made from 5 grains, brown sugar, quality fresh Italian milk, chia, flax and ..
Enjoy the sweetness of Extra-Crunchy No-Added-Sugar & Fiber-Rich Shortbreads with Oat Flakes & Rice ..